Our Church Windows

In May 2021 we had our Quinquennial Inspection in church; this is done every 5 years. In the report it was stated that we needed to look at our windows in church as some of them needed repair.In January 2024 we had a survey carried out, the proposed scope of work was carry out a survey of all windows within the church, provide a report on the condition of the windows.The report the cost, timescale for all recommended works.The window which needed most work was the East window, this window needed taking away to the work shop of the people who were repairing the window. This window had been installed straight in the stonework in 1887. In the left-hand corner of this window you could see daylight, it was very dirty so needed cleaning, also the bars on the windows were rusty and needed re-leading.The work started in the summer of 2024 and we finally got the window back in the beginning of February. Once the East window was installed the rest of the windows in the church were cleaned, and those that needed repairing such as rusty bars were painted with special paint so they shouldn’t rust again. All the windows in church now look splendid, it has taken a while to get the restoration done but has been worth the wait. The work was done by Martin Johnson & Co (York) Ltd, Stained Glass and Window Conservation.