Summer Concert at St Botolph’s Church

On Friday 28th June at 5pm we had a wonderful concert to raise funds for the Renovation of the church clock.

It was a great success and a varied programme. The evening began with Womersley Community Hand Bells who played 3 different, beautiful tunes including one from Japan entitled Peace.

This was followed by our soloist, Janice, who sang some lovely pieces including Panis Angelicus, Clare Benedictus, Ave Verum Corpus, Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Love Changes Everything and a favourite from Elvis, Can’t Help Falling In Love with You.

Our own church organist, Daniel played the wonderful piece, Aida by Verdi.

Grahaeme, with his guitar, brought the concert to a lively conclusion entertaining us with traditional songs from Scotland and Ireland.

We then adjourned to the Parish Room for delicious refreshments. We would like to thank Iryna and her daughter, Marta, who helped to set up the parish rooms and prepare the food and Michael for most of the baking. Without all these people this evening wouldn’t have been possible, a massive thank you to everyone.

We, at St Botolph’s, would like to thank you all who made this event a success we raised £333 for the clock appeal.