Your Child's Baptism

Coronavirus (COVID-19) guidance for churches:

Baptisms are possible providing appropriate steps are taken to minimise risk.

<span style="font-size: 1rem;">Currently we are only providing standalone baptism services. This allows a maximum of 30 people to attend church premises for a baptism without observing the ‘rule of six’. This is subject to the church carrying out a risk assessment and taking all reasonable measures to limit the risk of transmission of coronavirus. Until otherwise advised, we consider the maximum of 30 to include everyone participating in the service including the priest and verger on duty. All people attending church must wear a face covering unless </span>exempt.


We are delighted that you are thinking of baptism for your child. Your child is precious to you and precious to God. Jesus was himself baptised and told his followers to baptise others as a sign of God’s love, following Jesus Christ within the family of the church. We hope your child’s baptism will be a wonderful and memorable occasion that will mark the beginning of a long and happy relationship with this church family.


After making initial contact with the Priest-in-charge, Revd Charlene (01977 599979). It’s our job to make you feel welcome and comfortable and talk you through the service. <span style="font-size: 1rem;">Before your baptism service you will be invited to church one Sunday morning to meet the priest and fill in the paperwork, this is an opportunity to ask any questions and get to know one another.</span>


Normally baptism takes place during a regular Sunday morning service, so that the congregation can welcome your child into the church family, but under the COVID restrictions this isn't possible.

At the baptism service you and the Godparents publicly promise to do your best to raise your child as a Christian and as part of the wider church family. The church family promises to support, encourage and pray for your child and for you as a family.

The baptism service involves many important signs and symbols:

Oil of Baptism: The priest makes the sign of the cross with the oil of baptism on your child’s forehead; this is a sign that Christians are united with Jesus Christ. The priest may also invite you and the Godparents to make the sign of the cross on the child’s forehead.

Water: the priest pours water on your child’s head as a sign of being washed clean and beginning a new life with God.

Oil of Chrism: the priest anoints your child with the oil of chrism as a sign of the outpouring of God’s Holy Spirit.

The Welcome: we welcome your child into the church family.

Candle: we light a large candle during the baptism service as a reminder of Jesus’ light and presence with us. At the end of the service we give you a smaller candle as a reminder to you of the light of Jesus Christ in your child’s life.


What’s the difference between a baptism and a christening?

None, they are the same thing. Churches normally say ‘baptism’.

I’m not a regular churchgoer, can I still have my child baptised?

Absolutely! The church believes that God loves and welcomes everybody.

Can we have a private baptism service?

Baptisms normally take place in the church’s main service, so the church family can see your child join the church and be welcomed. If this is difficult for some reason, talk to the Priest-in-Charge.

What is the right age for baptism?

Baptism can happen at any age, what matters is that you believe it is the right decision and time for you. You can only be baptised once, but there are ways of renewing your commitment as an adult. To find out more talk to the Priest-in-Charge.

How much does baptism cost?

Baptism is completely free.

What are Godparents for?

Godparents make the same promises as you to help raise your child in the Christian faith as part of the Church family. In the Church of England you must choose at least three Godparents. Parents can be

Godparents, also family members or friends. Choose people you trust to take an interest in your child’s spiritual welfare and pray for you and your child. Godparents must be baptised themselves. If unsure ask your priest for advice.

What happens after the baptism?

Congratulations! your child is now a member of the worldwide Christian family. We have a child friendly service called ‘Worship 4 All’ to which you and your child would be most welcome. We also offer a church toddler group called ‘Little Friends’. Please ask your priest for details. (Currently these services are on hold due to COVID restrictions)


Please be aware that all bookings are provisional until the baptism form is filled in and signed.

You might like to see the priest in church too, if you can, go to a few services before the baptism service. You’ll be able to see the church in use and get to know other people. You’d be very welcome!

We hope this information is helpful and doesn't seem too prescriptive. Any queries please do not hesitate to contact me:

The Revd. Charlene Smith, The Rectory, Cross Hill, Ackworth WF7 7EJ

Tel: 01977 599979, Email: [email protected]


God has touched you with his love 

and given you a place among his people. 

God promises to be with you in joy and in sorrow, 

to be your guide in life, 

and to bring you safely to heaven.

Shine as a light in the world to the glory of God the Father. 
