Preaching Plan for Lent

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Lent Notices Church_news From_the_Vicar

The Big Story

During Lent this year, we will zoom out to see the big story of the Bible in which the life, death and resurrection of Jesus fits. Starting in Genesis and finishing in Revelation, we will trace the narrative arc of the Bible: God creates a good world, giving humanity the task of imaging Him as kings and queens of His good creation. When humans sin, God chooses one family out of all the nations of the world to draw all people back into relationship with Himself. But, as we follow the story of Abraham’s family, we discover that they too need rescuing. Enter Jesus. Jesus becomes the true representative of Israel and all humanity. He brings a message of good news of the availability of God’s Kingdom. His death and resurrection opened up this Kingdom for all who will respond to the message in repentance and faith. However, this Kingdom is both now and not-yet—we live between Christ’s first coming and His second coming, when all things will be fully and finally made new.

9th March: Creation: Genesis 1:1-2:4a

16th March: Fall: Genesis 3

23rd March: The People of God (1): Genesis 12:1-5

30th March: The People of God (2): Isaiah 40

6th April: Incarnation: Colossians 1:15-20

13th April: Palm Sunday: Gospel: Luke 4:14-30

20th April: Easter: Salvation: Luke 24:13-49

27th April: Kingdom of God: Revelation 21:1-8