for 4 hours
St Peter's Woolley, Church Street, Woolley, WF4 2JU, United Kingdom
Within the Benefice of Chapelthorpe, Woolley and West Bretton we are opening the doors of St Peter's. You are very welcome visit the church and be part of our guided tour of the history of our medieval church. The tour will be given by the former incumbent The Reverend Stephen Kelly. Our doors open are open between 10am and 2pm with the tour starting at 11am. Refreshments will be available , voluntary contributions are welcome towards the upkeep of this beautiful church.
Parking is limited outside of the church, we ask if possible that you park in the village around the village green.
Parking is limited outside of the church, we ask if possible that you park in the village around the village green.
Church Open Day at St Peter's Woolley
9 Sep 2023, 10 a.m. for 4 hours
Church Open Day at St Peter's Woolley
9 Sep 2023, 10 a.m. for 4 hours