Donate Here + Gift Aid Form

During this difficult time, the work of our church is reliant on people’s generosity, a generosity that is a hallmark of a lived-out faith and a testament to it.

We give to our church in a variety of ways, but with the past closure of all our buildings we have not been able to receive all the gifts that we usually would, so we really need your help now. If you are able to give more at this time, please click here to be directed to our church online donations page

Please consider setting up a standing order to donate to St. Mary's on a regular basis. The required form is available for download below. Simply fill in the form and hand it in to your bank, or use the details to set up a standing order via telephone or online banking. 

Also attached is a Gift Aid registration form. If you are a UK taxpayer, registering with us for Gift Aid allows us to collect an extra 25% on top of your donation, this makes every gift of £10 into one of £12.50 at no extra cost to you! 

Giving envelopes and cheques can also be delivered directly to Joyce (in a safe, socially distanced way) as she is able to access the bank. 

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