Who is who?

Our Priest-in-charge

Revd Emily Tidball 07442 301253 - [email protected]

Licensed Lay Minister

Mrs Linda Mumford 07443 427802 - [email protected]

Lay Pastoral Ministers

Mrs Brenda Swinton 07872 188816 - [email protected]

Mrs Sarah Taylor 07940 979911 - [email protected]


Mrs Trees Fewster: 07484 377345 - [email protected]

Mr Andrew Wardman: 07955 911093 - [email protected]

Verger, contact for weddings and funerals

Mrs Susie Proctor: 07712 398621 - [email protected]

or Lay Pastoral Minister Brenda Swinton 07872 188816 - [email protected]


Mrs Trees Fewster: 07484 377345 - [email protected]

Secretary of the PCC

Helen Nicholl: [email protected]

Church Treasurer

Mrs Joyce Jackson

Parish Safeguarding Officer

Mrs Jennifer Hoyle: [email protected]

Other PCC members 

Paul Wilkinson

Frances Wilkinson

Gillian Greaves

Christine Milsom

Rupinder Khaira 

Jean Holmes

Communication, questions, website:

Mrs Christine Milsom -  07870400531 - 01274 875968 - [email protected]

Mothers' Union, secretary

Mrs Gill Greaves 07947 725448 - [email protected]

Traveling Crib / Posada

Mrs Trees Fewster: 07484 377345 - [email protected]

Keep Fit

Mrs Jean Holmes: 07497 157714 - [email protected]

Knit and Natter

Mrs Pat Bonham: [email protected]

Hall Bookings Officer

Mrs Trees Fewster: 07484 377345 - [email protected]