Mothers' Union


Tuesday 9 January 10.00-10.30am: Wave of Prayer

Tuesday 16 January, 1.30pm: Andy, the local magician

Tuesday 13 February Pancake Day, 12 noon.  Tickets £3

Tuesday 20 February 1.30pm: AGM

Tuesday 27 February 12/12.30hrs- 2.00pm: area meeting at St John's, Rastrick HD6 1HT

Tuesday 19 March 12 noon: Annual lunch in church room

21-23 May: Parceval Hall retreat

Tuesday 9 April, 3.00pm, Ladyday service, at St Paul's, Hanging Heaton (transferred from 25 March, due to it being Holy Week)

Tuesday 16 April 1.30pm: Trees Fewster reporting on her 8-day silent retreat at the Community of the Resurrection

Thursday 6 June, 10.00 for 10.30am: Diocesan Council meeting St John's, Rastrick HD6 1HT

Tuesday 21 May 12 noon: visit to the Community of the Resurrection to take part in the midday office and Eucharist

Tuesday 21 May - Thursday 23 May: Parceval Hall retreat

Thursday 6 June 10.00/10.30am: Diocesan Council meeting at St John's, Rastrick HD6 1HT

Tuesday 18 June 12 for 12.30-2.00pm: Outing to area meeting St John's, Rastrick HD6 1HT

Tuesday 16 July: t.b.c.

Friday 9 August, 2.15pm, Mary Sumner Day at Holy Trinity, Holmfirth

Saturday 21 September 1.30 and 3.00pm: Afternoon Tea

Tuesday 15 October: Maureen and Bill Jones, the Tanzanian connection

Tuesday 19 November 1.30pm: Gill Edge-Evans, 'Why don't you get a proper job?'

Saturday 23 November 11.00am - End of Triennium Service at Bradford Cathedral

Tuesday 3 December, 1.30pm: Advent service

(the events written in italics concern area or diocesan events.  Please, try to attend as many as possible)