The Pre-Marriage Course is an opportunity for you to invest in your relationship through five in person or online date nights created to help you to learn to communicate well, understand and appreciate your differences, and prepare for potential challenges.Nine couples are attending the recently started Marriage Preparation Course. The first session was a great success!
Revd Emily Tidball, the new priest for Gomersal St Mary's and Birkenshaw cum Hunsworth St Paul's, was licensed on Wednesday evening 11 September 7.30 pm at St Mary's. There was a large gathering of her family, clergy, parishioners of St Mary's and St Paul's, parishioners of St Peter's Birstall, where her father David Knight was priest, and also from her church in Morley, where she was a curate. Invitees for this joyous event were Mayoress Nosheen Dad, heads of all the schools in the two parishes, councillors, managers of nursing homes, guide and scout leaders. The Right Revd Smitha Prasadam, Bishop of Huddersfield, licensed Revd Emily. It was a wonderful occasion with traditional hymns accompanied by the organ and modern hymns accompanied by Revd Emily's husband's music group. The service started and finished with a procession of the crucifer, acolytes carrying candles, wardens of both churches, robed clergy friends from other churches and Bishop Smitha.Midway during the service Revd Emily was taken to the front door, where the Bishop placed her hand on the handle and the keys to the church were handed over by the churchwarden. Then Revd Emily was invited to ring the bell. She rang the bell 7 times. Later I was told by one of her clergy friends that the number of times the bell is tolled equals the number of years she will be in charge as our priest. I do hope this is just a fable.Long live Revd Emily!