Facilities and features
The toilet is fully equipped for use with wheel chairs and is equipped with other supports.
The baby changing facilities are in the accessible toilet next to the lobby of the church.
Car parking is available on the road side on Spen Lane or round the corner on Shirley Road.
The toilet is accessible for wheel chairs and is equipped with other supports.
Service sheets and news sheets are available.
St Mary's has gluten free wafers for communion, please let a Church Warden know you require them before the service starts.
There are no steps to get into the church.
Our Building
One of the stained glass windows is the Lady Ada Firth window. Lady Ada drowned in The Strid when she was only in her early twenties. Her distraught husband had the window made in her memory
There is baby changing space in the accessible toilet.
St Mary's Church was built in 1851 by John Dobson of Leeds. It has a neo-Gothic Tower and steeply roofed nave. It was completely refurbished internally in 2003.
Music and Worship
Every now and again St Mary's has a musical evening. For more details follow our 'event' page.
Groups, Courses and Activities
Easter and Christmas activity mornings for children
Christmas fayre
a) Keep Fit Thursday afternoon from 2.00-2.45pm. Professional Lady Instructor. £3.50 per session
b) Knit and Natter on Monday from 1.00pm - 2.45pm
Keep Fit to Music with professional female instructor.
2.00-2.45pm. £4.00 per session. Every Thursday afternoon.
Our Mothers' Union branch first started in January 1904. This world wide Christian organisation reaches out to Families in Need of any orientation and background. The programme has monthly meetings, many of which are open to all. The main fund raising event is the now famous Afternoon Tea.
Help for Visitors
WiFi information and password can be found in the lobby on the noticeboard.
A leaflet about St Mary's can be picked up for a small donation.
Other Features
From time to time we use a screen in the front of the church. There is also a screen in the church room with internet connection.
The room can be hired for meetings, parties, funeral teas.