Between 1st Feb 2024 - 14th March 2024 we're making a special effort and trying to raise as much as we can in donations to help our church to reduce our carbon footprint and running costs.
All contributions for this fundraising campaign are generously being matched. Your £10 will be matched by another £10 making your contribution worth £20.
We are proposing to raise £5,000 in total and here is how your gift will be used.
2 main projects:
1. To change the Flood lights to LED and also the altar spots to LED.
2. To replace the existing community room electric heating with radiant panels.
Only contributions made through online giving will be matched so we need to make the donations as simple as possible, using a contactless payment in church on Sunday or by using the QR code below.
Please help us by a donation on GIVE TO GO GREEN. You can use the QR code