About Us

St. John the Evangelist is the Parish Church of Lepton. It is to be found on Greenbalk Lane which is near the top of Rowley Lane's junction with the Wakefield Road (A642). The church is evangelical in tradition yet is eager to learn from all other Christian traditions. Towards the end of 2023 our United Benefice of Lepton, Emley, and Flockton with Denby Grange was joined by All Hallows, Kirkburton.

The church attempts to give pastoral care to the congregation and to the village of Lepton. Our Priest in  Charge is the Reverend Julie Anderson who can be contacted by telephone on 01484 617833 or email [email protected]

Young People's Work -
We have a small Sunday School which meets alongside the Sunday morning worship usually on the third Sunday in each month.

Mission Support -
St. John's supports three missions with prayer and finance, giving 10% of it's income to:
Ruby Baby Bank

Church Mission Society (CMS) - Revive International

Christian Africa Relief Trust (CART).

We also support other charities from time to time.

Church Hall Hire -  The large hall with associated kitchen facilities are available for hire, which together with a large car park makes this an ideal venue for meetings and parties .To make your enquiry and to book please visit http://www.stjohnslepton.org/hall-booking/.


Our Church Vision is to be :-  " Open to God, Open to "