Children and Youth in All Hallows'

Young people are at the heart of our community of worship!

On the first Sunday of each month, we have our all age worship, Worship 4 All, at 10:30am, led by different members of the congregation, and our young people are regularly invited to help.


Within our parish we have 3 schools: Kirkburton CE (VA) First School, Highburton CE (VC) First School, and Kirkburton Middle School. Our schools often visit our beautiful church for special services, performances and RE visits. All Hallows' has several school governors in our two first schools, and in all three of our schools, we are developing an increasing pattern of Collective Worship assemblies, in relationship with staff and pupils, and we are always happy to explore new ways to support the education of young people in our parish. 

To make enquiries about any of our Youth and Children's ministry, please do so via the ‘Get in touch’ page details.