
St Barnabas Crosland Moor is committed to Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all children, young people and vulnerable adults with whom we have contact. This commitment is shared by all church members.

We have adopted the Church of England’s National Safeguarding Policy,

‘Promoting a Safer Church‘ (see below)

which is available by following this Link


Our Diocesan Safeguarding Officers are Sofia McGreavy, Jenny Leccardi. Narinder Lyon and Nikki Rose who can be contacted on 0113 353 0257 or by email [email protected]

Our responsible church officers are:

Nancy Jones, Parish Safeguarding Officer - [email protected]

Tim Wilkes, Assistant Safeguarding Officer - [email protected]

The Archdeacon of Halifax, the Venerable Bill Braviner - [email protected]

"PromotingASaferChurchPosterA3, PDF"