Our Roof Works Begin!

Charity Gift Aid Declaration-final.pdf Download

These works include re-roofing the whole of the south side of the main nave roof (the side facing Plover Road) and the whole of the entrance porch. As well as ensuring the roof, guttering and fall pipes are renewed to prevent any water getting inside the building or damaging the outside of the building, insulation is being installed to reduce heat loss. 

There will inevitably be some disruption during these works. Some of the works may be noisy and certainly messy. We will work with the contractors to minimise the impact on our regular worship and activities but ask for your understanding and patience while these works take place to protect our wonderful building for the future.

Contractors will be on the site Monday to Friday, generally between 8.30am-4.30pm. They will be clearly identifiable as their hi-visibility jackets are labelled with the contractor's name, Restoration Projects. The contractors will be using our church toilets and the part of the kitchen adjoining them (known as the 'flower kitchen'). If you have any concerns regarding the people on site, please report these to either Rev'd Abbie or Becky.

We have still not quite raised all the funds for this project and will be borrowing some funds in the short term. Please pray with us for the success of our latest grant application. We would welcome any further donations or fundraising efforts to help us reach the full cost of this project of almost £150,000. We will keep you updated on funds raised and progress with the works.

If you are able to make a donation the banking details are as follows:

  Account no. 34131102

  Sort code: 05 04 24

  Account name: PCC of St Stephens Building Improvement Account

If you can please put your full name in the payment reference so it can be tied up with any subsequent Gift Aid claim.

If you are an eligible tax payer please complete the attached Gift Aid form, which will enable us to claim an extra 25% on top of your donation. A new form is only needed if you have not filled one in since Spring 2024. Completed forms should be returned to our Treasurer Karen Frank via email: [email protected] or can be handed to Becky our Churchwarden or Rev Abbie.

Other ways to support us

Easy Fund Raising
We're registered on #easyfundraising which means you can raise free donations for us when you shop online! Over 8,000 brands will make a donation to St Stephen's Lindley - Building for the Future Campaign on your behalf when you shop with them. All the big names like Sainsbury's, M&S, Argos, Just Eat and more are ready to donate at no extra cost to you. Sign up here: https://join.easyfundraising.org.uk/ststephenslindley/S51OED/c2s/FGzwYxpq/CE863/facebook/

Just Giving Account
St Stephen's, Lindley - Building for the Future - JustGiving