Tree Maintenance Work 3 & 4 July 2024

St Stephen's Tree work residents notification_3-4July-DRAFT.pdf Download
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The work to be done, on the 3rd and 4th July is: 

• Reduce the overhang of the tree on the Lidget Street boundary. This will minimise the risk to passing vehicle traffic.

• Complete removal of a tree on the Plover Road boundary. This chestnut tree is showing signs of canker, a disease that cause internal decay, causing cracking and splitting of the timber. If left unchecked this could lead to the tree collapsing under its own weight. The serious risk posed is of significant danger to both Plover Road traffic and the general public, at both sides of the road.

We are hoping there will be minimal disruption during these works and traffic management will be in place to mitigate risk to passing traffic and pedestrians. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Parish Office on 01484 970555 orby email [email protected]