Roof Project Update - £13k gap

St Stephen's Buildings team APCM update-AP.pdf Download
Charity Gift Aid Declaration-final.pdf Download

If you were in church on Sunday you will have heard Graham Large (PCC - Building Committee) tell us that to reach our target for the roof work to start we need another £13,000. We would love to start his work in June/July this year and need your help.- See attachment for full details.

If everyone on our electoral roll were able to contribute £53 we can reach our target. In these difficult times we understand that not everyone will be able to afford this amount. Whatever you are able to give will be gratefully received and help us on our way to achieving the target.

Donations from the wider community are also welcome.

If you are able to make a donation the banking details are as follows:

        Account no. 34131102

        Sort code:     05 04 24

        Account name: PCC of St Stephens Building Improvement Account

If you can please put your full name in the payment reference so it can be tied up with any subsequent Gift Aid claim.

If you are an eligible tax payer please complete the attached Gift Aid form, which will enable us to claim an extra 25% on top of your donation. Completed forms should be returned to our Treasurer Karen Frank via email: [email protected] (photo attachment)

or can be handed to Becky our Churchwarden or Rev Abbie.

Other ways to support us

Easy Fund Raising
We're registered on #easyfundraising which means you can raise free donations for us when you shop online! Over 8,000 brands will make a donation to St Stephen's Lindley - Building for the Future Campaign on your behalf when you shop with them. All the big names like Sainsbury's, M&S, Argos, Just Eat and more are ready to donate at no extra cost to you. Sign up here:

Just Giving Account
St Stephen's, Lindley - Building for the Future - JustGiving