St Stephen's Parish Vision Launch

20240421-St Stephens Vision Launch Sermon.pdf Download

Our Vision: “St Stephen’s aspires to be an inclusive church celebrating

and sharing the love of God, connecting with all in our

community through living faith in Jesus Christ.”

This is a vision statement. A statement of our intention and direction as a church community. Everything we do over the next few years as a church will be directed and determined by how it helps us move further towards achieving this vision. Our PCC, subgroups and affiliated organisations will be challenged to work towards this vision.

As individuals active in this parish we are asked to consider the following prompts in our daily lives.

  1. Am I living out my faith in Jesus Christ?

  2. Whom am I including / have I excluded?

  3. Am I celebrating and sharing God’s love?

  4. What can I do to help our church be a blessing to others in our community?

The full sermon text & readings from the service are available for download.

Credit card sized prompt cards with the vision statement on one side and the questions on the other were distributed during the service. If you were not there you are welcome to pick up a card next time you are in church.

Rev'd Abbie will help us explore further what this vision statement means for all of us over the coming weeks and months.