10.45 am Service

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Holy Trinity Huddersfield
Trinity Street Huddersfield, HD1 4DT, United Kingdom

Although this service starts at 10.45am, coffee/tea is served from 10.15am giving everyone the chance to grab a cuppa and catch up with each other before the service starts - we'd love you to join us. Our 10.45am service has an informal and contemporary feel, with the opportunity for extended musical worship led by our worship band. We celebrate Holy Communion on the first Sunday of the month, and prayer ministry is an integral part of this service, giving us an opportunity to respond to God. Our kids’ groups meet during the 10.45am service, and on occasions the whole church family comes together for All-Age Worship.

Refreshments are served between the 9 am & 10.45 am services (from 10.00am), giving a great opportunity for the whole church to meet together. Approximately every 6-8 weeks we have a simple breakfast (eg, bacon rolls, croissants, fruit etc) together. We also serve refreshments after the 10.45am service.

We are also livestreaming our 10.45am Sunday services. If you log on to our YouTube channel around 10.40 am on Sunday mornings you will be able to join us live. You can also view the recording any time after this.

Youth (school years 7 – 11)

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
Holy Trinity Huddersfield
Trinity Street Huddersfield, HD1 4DT, United Kingdom

During term time our youth meet upstairs in the 10:45am services with their leaders to catch up, play games, read the Bible and discuss what God is saying to them for the week ahead.

During Term Time

Little Lights

Every Monday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Holy Trinity Huddersfield
Trinity Street Huddersfield, HD1 4DT, United Kingdom

Holy Trinity Little Lights is our exciting toddler group. It runs during term-time. Come along for fun with your little ones under the age of 5. Email our Children & Families Minister for more info [email protected]

During Term Time

JAM After School Club

Every Wednesday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Holy Trinity Huddersfield
Trinity Street Huddersfield, HD1 4DT, United Kingdom

Our JAM after school club meets on Wednesdays from 4pm to 5.30pm for all children aged 5–11 years and is free of charge. Games, stories, arts and craft and music – a great opportunity for fun and friendship.

HT Youth Club ( school years 7–11)

Every Wednesday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
Holy Trinity Huddersfield
Trinity Street Huddersfield, HD1 4DT, United Kingdom

This is an opportunity to kick back, relax and catch up with your mates. Our youth club has something for everyone! Tuck shop, high-energy games, table tennis, board games and video games, or just some space to chat and chill out with friends.

For more information about HT Youth contact the office on [email protected] or phone the office: 01484 513213

During Term-time

HT Community Garden - 'DIG IT'

Every Thursday at for 3 hours
Holy Trinity Huddersfield
Trinity Street Huddersfield, HD1 4DT, United Kingdom

We have a beautiful garden at Holy Trinity? We'd love more people to be involved in enjoying and looking after it. Everyone is welcome to our 'DIG IT' sessions - 9.30am - 12.00 Thursday mornings - when you can enjoy some gentle gardening, pruning, growing veg etc + drinking coffee and having cakes together with our garden team. Whether you simply enjoy the space for recreation or meditation, or want to join in with the team please do come along…it is your space. We also have some Saturday Family Specials. Check out our website for further information.

Cafe Connect

Every Thursday at for 2 hours
Holy Trinity Huddersfield
Trinity Street Huddersfield, HD1 4DT, United Kingdom

Space to Chill and Chat. Coffee, Tea, Toast & Cake available
All welcome – drop-in or linger (no charge – donations welcomed)

A space and place for people to come together to connect with others and enjoy coffee, cake and toast!

Open to ALL – any age / whatever you do or don’t do / whatever you think or believe / who you know or don’t know

A space to come as you are and to know it’s ok to be yourself

Somewhere to hang out with others – who may or may not be like you – and try to listen respectfully to one another

We don’t try and ‘fix’ anyone – just be alongside one another and enjoy each other’s company

Somewhere to chill out, relax and have fun!!

Well-Being Walks Group

Every Thursday at for 1 hour
Meet at 11 am at the bottom gates of Greenhead Park on Trinity Street
Meet at 11 am at the bottom gates of Greenhead Park on Trinity Street, Greenhead Park Huddersfield Triinty Street

Our Holy Trinity and Greenhead Walking for Health Group meets every Thursday at 11 am at the bottom gates of Greenhead Park on Trinity Street. All adults are welcome to just turn up and join us. The gentle walks last about an hour. Walkers are then welcome to pop in for a cup of coffee at our Café Connect in church every Thursday morning

Our walks aim to get local people into regular walking. They are led by trained volunteers and are suitable for all ages and all abilities, even if you have not walked regularly for some time. They are a great way to meet new people and enjoy a chat whilst doing something that can benefit your health.

Why not come along and join us or for more information contact the church office:

Tel: 01484 513213 or email: [email protected]

Holy Trinity and Greenhead Walking for Health is supported by Holy Trinity Church and Greenhead Family Doctors.

Connections Social Club

Every Friday at for 3 hours
Holy Trinity Huddersfield
Trinity Street Huddersfield, HD1 4DT, United Kingdom

A joint initiative between Methodist Homes Association, Holy Trinity Huddersfield and Harambee as part of the ‘Live at Home’ scheme this weekly social club aims to enable older people to maintain their independence and live more fulfilled lives. It will offer various activities and lunch in order to tackle loneliness and isolation in people over 55 – helping them to lead fulfilled lives and remain as active members in their local communities.

A cost of £5.00 per person covers lunch. Open to all those over 55. For more information contact the church office: 01484 513213

9.00 am Traditional Common Worship Communion Service

Every Sunday at for 55 mins
Holy Trinity Huddersfield
Trinity Street Huddersfield, HD1 4DT, United Kingdom

Each week we offer a traditional Common Worship Holy Communion Service in our church building each Sunday incorporating the beauty of liturgy and the richness of organ-led musical worship.  There is a short sermon and prayers. Coffee/Tea is served after the service.