Rushbearing 2019

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Sowerby Bridge Rushbearing is the only one of it's kind in Yorkshire, the tradition of presenting a winter floor covering was revivied in 1977, and has been carried out ever since on the first full weekend in September.

Each year the cart pulled by 50 men makes its way to churches and presents a token of rushers.

Christ Church have been proud to be part of this event, with the vicar being presented with the rushes for the church.

Over the past few years, the church has held craft stalls, and this year we had 17 craft and games stalls within church.

The weather was perfect with a steady flow of visitors into church on the actual day.

The PCC would like to thank all church members and all stall holders for supporting them in raising nearly £900 towards church funds.

We look forward to welcoming all rush bearers on September 5th 2020