All-Age Eucharist

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
Holy Nativity Church
Sunnybank Road Mixenden Halifax, HX2 8RX, United Kingdom

A weekly Sunday service for all ages at Holy Nativity Church. This service is usually a communion service with bread and wine suitable for anyone from 0-100 years old. We also live stream the service to YouTube for people who are unable to come in person.

Monday Morning Prayer

Every Monday at for 30 mins
Holy Nativity Church
Sunnybank Road Mixenden Halifax, HX2 8RX, United Kingdom

Begin the week in prayer. A congregation of roughly ten people come together to pray before the Drop-In and Pay as You Can cafe.

Monday Evening Prayer

Every Monday at for 30 mins
Holy Nativity Church
Sunnybank Road Mixenden Halifax, HX2 8RX, United Kingdom

A short service of prayer after the Drop-In and Pay as You Can Cafe.

Communion Meal

Every Second Sunday at for 1 hour
Holy Nativity Church
Sunnybank Road Mixenden Halifax, HX2 8RX, United Kingdom

The Communion Meal is an informal evening service once a month. We gather around the table and share food together as part of the communion service.

What can you expect? A friendly, family atmosphere with people of all ages. Good food and time to talk together. There will also be many of the elements of a typical Church of England Communion Service, such as prayers and readings from the Bible.

At the heart of the service is worship of God through sharing bread and wine in community as Jesus taught his followers to do for the past two thousand years. All are welcome to gather around God's table.

Everyone is welcome. This is a family event and we welcome all ages from 0-110! Food is provided, but you may like bring a bottle to share.

Rock Mass

Monthly. Every Third Sunday at for 2 hours
Holy Nativity Church
Sunnybank Road Mixenden Halifax, HX2 8RX, United Kingdom

At a typical Rock Mass service you can expect to be singing songs you are more likely to hear on the Kerrang channel or Planet Rock Radio. As we come together around God’s table to meet Him in bread and wine there are smoke and lights, processions, incense – everything you need to give the authenticity of stadium rock.

At the heart of the church’s worship for nearly 2000 years is the sharing of bread and wine as part of a community as Jesus taught. All are welcome to gather around God’s table.

The band Metanoia have been leading services together since 2005 with their alternative hymnal and all of the amps cranked to 11! The Rock Mass has been held in intimate venues Like Holy Nativity as well as massive places such as Dewsbury Minster or at Greenbelt Festival.

Crafty Church

Monthly. Every Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour
Holy Nativity Church
Sunnybank Road Mixenden Halifax, HX2 8RX, United Kingdom

Come and embrace your creative side through worship at Holy Nativity Church. Once a month we have an afternoon service for all ages at which you can come and explore the creativity you were created with. This is a service for all ages.