<strong>8.30 -</strong>Said Holy Communion - with social distancing measures. In the side chapel if we have capacity, otherwise we'll use the main nave. This will be much the same as previously, including a short homily and no music. <strong>10.30</strong> - 1st, 2nd and 4th Sundays - Communion service, with children being in at the start, leaving for groups, then rejoining for Communion. We are not yet permitted to host a crèche, so children under 5 stay with their parents, and can use the church foyer if needed during the service. Please bring your own toys / books, as we can't yet provide them. On weeks 3 and 4 in August the children will be out for the whole service<strong>10.30</strong> - 3rd Sunday - no Communion intergenerational service, when we can spend more time exploring the Bible together. This will have a variety of formats, and we hope to start to be able to do interactive activities as soon as it is Covid-safe. This service may include sitting around tables, and discussing the Bible readings, with questions and comments, rather than a presented sermon or 'talk'. *Starting from September.<strong>10.30 - </strong>5th Sunday - Wild Church - intergenerational church outside. There will be no indoor 10.30 service on the 5th Sunday. <strong>6pm </strong> - occasional informal worship events, led by members of the congregation.
During the social restrictions we have embraced the digital opportunities of our Virtual Church web hub with live streams, recorded services with music and family online chat sessions with our childrens ministerthere's something happening every day https://www.stmartinsherwood.org/virtual-church