<strong>8.30 -</strong>Said Holy Communion - with social distancing measures. In the side chapel if we have capacity, otherwise we'll use the main nave. This will be much the same as previously, including a short homily and no music.
<strong>10.30</strong> - 1st, 2nd and 4th Sundays - Communion service, with children being in at the start, leaving for groups, then rejoining for Communion. We are not yet permitted to host a crèche, so children under 5 stay with their parents, and can use the church foyer if needed during the service. Please bring your own toys / books, as we can't yet provide them. On weeks 3 and 4 in August the children will be out for the whole service
<strong>10.30</strong> - 3rd Sunday - no Communion intergenerational service, when we can spend more time exploring the Bible together. This will have a variety of formats, and we hope to start to be able to do interactive activities as soon as it is Covid-safe. This service may include sitting around tables, and discussing the Bible readings, with questions and comments, rather than a presented sermon or 'talk'. *Starting from September.
<strong>10.30 - </strong>5th Sunday - Wild Church - intergenerational church outside. There will be no indoor 10.30 service on the 5th Sunday.
<strong>6pm </strong> - occasional informal worship events, led by members of the congregation.