Liturgy of Ash Wednesday

for 1 hour
St Mary the Virgin & All Souls' Church, Bulwell
St Mary the Virgin & All Souls Highbury Road Bulwell Nottingham, NG6 9AD, United Kingdom

A poignant service as we enter the season of Lent, with Holy Communion and the Imposition of Ashes, music and vestments. The Order of Service can be downloaded below. Service will also be live streamed via our YouTube channel.

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St Mary the Virgin & All Souls' Church, Bulwell

St Mary the Virgin & All Souls' Church, Highbury Road, Bulwell, Nottingham, NG6 9AD 

'The Church on the Hill'   

St Mary's is a down to earth Christian community seeking, serving and worshipping God by sharing the love of Jesus with all.

Welcome to St Mary the Virgin & All Souls, Bulwell.

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St Mary's is visible from all over Bulwell and is known locally as 'the Church on the Hill'.  We are just a couple of minutes' walk away from the town centre, tram stop, train station and bus station.

St Mary's is a friendly and welcoming church.  We are a member of the Inclusive Church Network, and we celebrate and affirm every person (not discriminating against people on grounds of disability, economic power, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, learning disability, mental health, neurodiversity, or sexuality).

St Mary's is what some folk might call 'high church'.  Our worship is mostly traditional in style, our choir and servers are robed and our clergy wear vestments.  Incense is used on the second and fourth Sundays.  However, we are not stuffy – we like to have fun!

On these pages you will find information about what we do in the church and in the community.  Please use the tabs for more information, and please get in touch if you have any questions.

We love to welcome new people so why come along to one of our services or events?

God bless you, and all those whom you love and pray for.

Fr Andrew Fisher, Vicar.

Get in touch

Fr Andrew Fisher

St Mary the Virgin & All Souls
Highbury Road


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What's on

Liturgy of Ash Wednesday

for 1 hour
St Mary the Virgin & All Souls' Church, Bulwell
St Mary the Virgin & All Souls Highbury Road Bulwell Nottingham, NG6 9AD, United Kingdom

A poignant service as we enter the season of Lent, with Holy Communion and the Imposition of Ashes, music and vestments. The Order of Service can be downloaded below. Service will also be live streamed via our YouTube channel.

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Ensuring that children, young people and vulnerable adults are kept safe whilst in our care is an integral part of our church life. If you have any safeguarding concerns, please contact:

Parish Safeguarding Officer: Maureen Pates 0115 976 4612

We refer all safeguarding information to the Diocesan Safeguarding Team who can be contacted for advice via email: or by phone: 01636 817200 or via the website: