These are Lent & Easter events this year.

Eucharist with Blessing of Oils and Renewal of Commitment to Ministry

for 1 hour
Southwell Minster
Church Street, Southwell Southwell Nottingham, NG25 0HD, United Kingdom

A very special occasion on which clergy and lay ministers of the diocese gather with the bishops to renew their ministerial vows and bless holy oils to be used in the coming year – all are welcome

Mothering Sunday

for 1 hour, 15 mins
Southwell Minster
Church Street, Southwell Southwell Nottingham, NG25 0HD, United Kingdom

A family-friendly service of Holy Communion to celebrate our mothers and all who mother us, with well-known hymns and traditional posies for mums and all carers.

Palm Sunday

for 1 hour, 15 mins
Southwell Minster
Church Street, Southwell Southwell Nottingham, NG25 0HD, United Kingdom

Meet us at 10am at Our Lady of Victories on Halam Road as we process to the Minster for our principal service - friendly donkeys will lead the way! The service includes the story of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem, as well as the Passion Gospel sung in dramatic form.


for 1 hour
Southwell Minster
Church Street, Southwell Southwell Nottingham, NG25 0HD, United Kingdom

A unique, unforgettable service of psalms and readings that marks, and even celebrates, Holy Week’s descent into darkness.

Evensong, live on BBC Radio 3

for 1 hour
Southwell Minster
Church Street, Southwell Southwell Nottingham, NG25 0HD, United Kingdom

We are delighted that our Choral Evensong for Wednesday of Holy Week will be broadcast live on BBC Radio 3. Please join us in the Minster for this service - the North Door will open at 2.30pm, and members of the congregation will need to be seated by 2.45pm, after which doors will be closed. The service will be available on BBC Sounds for 30 days.

The Liturgy of Maundy Thursday

for 2 hours, 30 mins
Southwell Minster
Church Street, Southwell Southwell Nottingham, NG25 0HD, United Kingdom

The first of the three major services of the ‘Sacred Triduum’ (Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and the
Easter Liturgy), which take us deep into the mystery of Holy Week. Following a joyful commemoration of the Last Supper, with the washing of feet recalling Jesus doing the same for his disciples, the mood then changes with the dramatic stripping of the altars. The service ends with Watch, waiting with Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane. For those who wish to stay, the Watch continues until 10.00pm.

The Good Friday Experience

for 1 hour, 30 mins
Southwell Minster
Church Street, Southwell Southwell Nottingham, NG25 0HD, United Kingdom

An interactive morning for children and families, making use of Jacqui Parkinson’s amazing Threads Through the Bible exhibition. Meet some of the people from the Easter story, who will talk with you about what happened on the first Good Friday. With crafts and refreshments for children. The trail will take about 40 minutes.

The Three Hours

for 1 hour, 30 mins
Southwell Minster
Church Street, Southwell Southwell Nottingham, NG25 0HD, United Kingdom

The Minster clergy lead us in a series of reflections on figures from the gospel stories of Christ’s Passion, before our devotions culminate in the Liturgy of Good Friday, beginning at 1.30pm.

The Liturgy of Good Friday

for 1 hour, 30 mins
Southwell Minster
Church Street, Southwell Southwell Nottingham, NG25 0HD, United Kingdom

Music, prayers, silence, the solemn singing of the Passion Gospel, and Holy Communion at the foot of the Cross.

The Easter Liturgy

for 1 hour
Southwell Minster
Church Street, Southwell Southwell Nottingham, NG25 0HD, United Kingdom

The lighting of the Easter fire, the proclamation of Easter, the renewal of baptismal vows, and a joy

Cathedral Eucharist for Easter Day

for 1 hour, 15 mins
Southwell Minster
Church Street, Southwell Southwell Nottingham, NG25 0HD, United Kingdom

Our principal Eucharist for Easter Day, with joyful music, and the Bishop of Southwell and Nottingham’s Easter sermon. Following the service, there will be a Blessing of the Easter Garden in the Palace Gardens – and also our ever-popular Easter Egg hunt for children!

Preacher: The Rt Revd Paul Williams, Bishop of Southwell and Nottingham.

Easter Day Evensong

for 45 mins
Southwell Minster
Church Street, Southwell Southwell Nottingham, NG25 0HD, United Kingdom

We gather to hear Easter readings and music, giving voice to the joy of the Resurrection.