Family Holy Communion

Every First, Third Sunday at for 50 mins
Holy Trinity, Wysall
Main St Wysall Nottingham, NG12 5QS, United Kingdom

An informally formal Holy Communion service at Wysall -- families welcome!

On the second service in the month, we split the service in two with a coffee-tea-and-biscuit break, which allows those who need to to leave, whilst the rest of us continue with Holy Communion, which we receive on behalf of all.

St Peter, Widmerpool

Welcome to St Peter, Widmerpool

Part of a benefice of three churches, (together with St Mary and All Saints, Willoughby and Holy Trinity, Wysall), St Peter Widmerpool is a small, friendly, inclusive village church.

Folk are always welcome, wherever they are in their faith journey. Stephen (the rector)'s approach is to open up the treasures of the church for us to engage with, finding a home as we explore faith together.

Our services are on Sunday mornings at 11am on the second and fourth Sundays of the month.

Both of our services are family friendly.   The first of these is Holy Communion, where the service follows the pattern of the 1662 Book of Common Prayer but in modern language, and the second is the modern service of Morning Prayer.

On the other two Sundays of the month, folk are always welcome to attend our sister churches at Willoughby and Wysall!

We also have an online Evening Prayer at 5:30pm on most Sundays. Email Stephen for more details.

Please see the "Services and Events" page for more details.

About the church

A small, friendly, inclusive village church. All are welcome!

Get in touch

Rev'd Canon Stephen Hippisley-Cox

What's on

Family Holy Communion

Every First, Third Sunday at for 50 mins
Holy Trinity, Wysall
Main St Wysall Nottingham, NG12 5QS, United Kingdom

An informally formal Holy Communion service at Wysall -- families welcome!

On the second service in the month, we split the service in two with a coffee-tea-and-biscuit break, which allows those who need to to leave, whilst the rest of us continue with Holy Communion, which we receive on behalf of all.


Ensuring that children, young people and vulnerable adults are kept safe whilst in our care is an integral part of our church life.

If you have any safeguarding concerns, please contact:

Parish Safeguarding Officer: Helen Eglitis, 01509 889268; 07717 045450

We refer all safeguarding information to the Diocesan Safeguarding Team who can be contacted for advice via email [email protected] or by phone 01636 817200 or via the website linked below.

If you have an immediate or emergency safeguarding concern for a child or vulnerable adult, contact the Police on 999 or the statutory agency for Nottinghamshire: MASH (Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub) 0300 500 8080.

Contact Safeguarding - Diocese of Southwell & Nottingham