Ride and Stride
- Occurring
- for 6 hours
- Venue
- St Helen
- Address Trowell Nottingham, NG9 3QW, United Kingdom
If you are available to ride, walk or to be on duty to welcome visitors and can spare time on this date, please see the papers at the back of your church and sign up on the sheet.
If you do not wish to cycle there is also a figure of eight walk planned between the churches of Trowell, Awsworth and Cossall. You can begin at any of our three churches and complete as much as you want. Everyone is welcome to join us and raise funds for their local church. Sponsor forms, maps and detailed directions will be available at the back of the church.
Ride and Stride
14 Sep 2024, 9 a.m. for 6 hours
Ride and Stride
14 Sep 2024, 9 a.m. for 6 hours