Latest Notices from St John's

‘Green Pastures’ Dementia Friendly Service: The next service will be on Tuesday 4th February from 2pm-3pm. This is a short service of music, prayers and reflection, with tea & coffee afterwards.

Mothers’ Union: Thursday, 13th February, 2.15pm. We’ll be starting off in the choir vestry as there is a funeral in church, please come to the choir vestry door. I shan’t arrive until the last minute, but I’ll leave a key with someone and Kathryn has kindly agreed to answer the door – knock loudly! Any questions – contact Pat Atkins (0115) 925 6327.

IF YOU ARE NEW to St John’s or even if you have been attending for a little while, we would like to welcome you with coffee and cake on Saturday 15th February between 10am and midday. This will be a chance to meet a few people informally, find out a little about the church, climb the bell tower (from the inside!), discover who’s who, what we do and ask questions if you want. There is no need to book a place, just turn up. We’re looking forward to meeting you.

Church Flowers: ‘There is a new list at the back of Church for donations towards the flowers . Anyone wishing to donate for a certain week of the year, please add your name to the list. Many Thanks Pam Holland’

Messy Church: St John's is looking for volunteers to lead Messy Church, an important part of our church ministry.

This post requires a (full?) DBS check and to achieve Leadership Safeguarding Training, which is provided by the diocese.

Successful candidates would plan and prepare the Messy Church activity sessions. The Messy Church website is full of ideas.

In addition, you would be leading a group of experienced volunteers who are willing to continue supporting this rewarding church activity.

A full job description is available on request.

If interested in this rewarding post, please contact

Kathryn Weller at [email protected]

or Father Wayne at [email protected]

Eco Tip:

Ever thought of not simply trying eco cleaning products but having a go to make your own? Here is one to start you off.

Cleaning the cooker hob

For a quick clean - spray white vinegar over the surface and wipe.

For a deeper clean - spray white vinegar over the surface, then sprinkle bicarbonate of soda on top. Leave for a few minutes then wipe clean.

Both these ingredients are used in many of the home made cleaning mixtures so if you buy a full bottle or packet they won't go to waste.

Epiphany Banner: our epiphany banner, which was hanging with the Copes in the Clergy Vestry has gone missing! If anyone moved it, or knows of its whereabouts, please would you let us know as soon as possible. Thank you!

Christmas Quiz: Thanks to all those who handed in their completed quiz sheets.

Prize winners will be announced shortly!