We'd love to hear from you

Thank you for being in touch with The Chapel of St Mary, Newstead Abbey (The Abbey Chapel).

The Parish Administrator will respond to your message as soon as possible.

Please note, all enquiries about bookings for Baptism, Weddings and Funerals should initially be made to us at the Church Office, to book the Minister, but bookings of The Abbey Chapel for weddings will need to be made with

Chelsea Rushton [email protected] – for any internal work/venue questions

Newstead Abbey Site [email protected] – for any external couple correspondence

Send us a message

If your message is about safeguarding, please contact the safeguarding team for your area, rather than completing this form.

Say "hello"

Church Office, Ravenshead Parish

Sheepwalk Lane, Ravenshead

NG15 9FD
Church Office
01623 405203
Revd Kate Byrom (vicar)
01623 452431

Our website