Our Vision

We are three churches working together in Skegby, Stanton Hill and Teversal. We delight in worshipping God and in serving our community in Jesus' Name. 

Sunday is our special day for gathering for worship in church and you are ALWAYS welcome. Take us as you find us and just turn up. Children and families are especially welcome. 

We celebrate Holy Communion every Wednesday at 10am at St Andrew's - to which you are warmly invited. Holy Communion is also available at one of our churches on a Sunday.

We are a Parish Church and count it a big privilege to host and support families for baptisms, weddings and at funerals. Please contact the Parish Office you 'd like to know more 01623 558800.

We regularly run Christian Basics Groups - like Alpha and Youth Alpha. So, if you'd like to know more, please just ask.

Our three churches are much involved in some important outreach and community support:

The Vine Tree Shop on Stanton Hill High Street - Recycling items to support our local Community. A great meeting place and volunteering opportunity.

Little Fishes at St Andrew's - for pre-school families and their carers. Monday afternoons from 1.30pm.

Open Church (A Place of Welcome) at St Katherine's, Teversal - every Wednesday between 11-12noon. Refreshments and toilet facilities available.

Coffee, Cake and Chat and Light Lunches at All Saints; and the Parish Hall - monthly get-togethers, for dates please see the listing under events.

Messy Church - for festivals for children and adults to come together for crafts, fun, food and worship. First Monday and Thursday of the month from 4pm.

If you'd like to know more, do contact the Parish Office or Peter, the Vicar at [email protected].