Did you know that every single person who lives in Skegby or Teversal Parishes – whether or not they attend church – has the right to a Christian funeral led by one of our team, currently; Revd Peter Chantry, our Vicar, retired ministers Revd Angie Smythe, Canon Francis Wainaina or one of our Lay Ministers, Eleanor Greaves or John Whitbread.
If you would like a Christian funeral let your next of kin know, because it is no longer automatically assumed by funeral directors. If you would like the funeral of your loved one to be led by us, please speak to your funeral director and let them know your preferences. The funeral director will contact us and we will then arrange to visit you and discuss your wishes.
Our ministers can lead the service wherever it may be – whether church, crematorium, graveside or at an outdoor green burial site – or a combination. Wherever it happens the service will celebrate your loved one’s life – after all there’s a lot to be thankful for! – and include prayers for them and for those left behind. It can be personalized with readings, flowers, poetry, tributes, music and other things that have special meaning to reflect their wishes.
Talking about death can help us prepare our hearts, minds and spirits, to be sure that we are at peace with God and others. It ensures that we don’t end our lives with important things left unsaid. Families don’t always know what funeral arrangements a person would have wanted, so it’s important this difficult subject is discussed.
The Christian belief is that Christ makes facing death bearable. The Christian hope is that he’ll be waiting to greet us on the other side, as the prodigal son was waited for by his father, and as a mother scoops her children into her arms to comfort them.
Do get in touch with the church office ( 01623 558800) if you would like us to hold information about your funeral (in strictest confidence) or indeed if you’d like a conversation with the clergy.
If you have any further questions, please contact Revd Peter Chantry on 01623 558800 or email [email protected]
For general information on Church of England funerals visit