Churches in Benefice
St John the Evangelist
St John's, Carlton-in-Lindrick Safeguarding Policy:
Ensuring that children and young people as well as adults are kept safe whilst in our care is an integral part of our church life. If you have any concerns about safeguarding please contact:
In the Parish: Christine Lewis, Parish Safeguarding Officer, 01909 731324
Diocesan Safeguarding Team, 01636 817200
Out of Hours for Children & Adults:
Nottinghamshire: 0300 456 4546
Nottingham City Council: 0115 876 1000
Bawtry: 01302 796 000Rector: Revd Mark Orr
The Rectory 21 Grange Close Carlton-in-Lindrick Worksop Notts S81 9DX
07725 965120
St John's Church, Church Lane, Carlton in Lindrick, Worksop, Notts S81 9EG
St Luke
Rector: Revd Mark Orr
The Rectory 21 Grange Close Carlton-in-Lindrick Worksop Notts S81 9DX
07725 965120
St Mark