United Services across the Clays Group - February 2025

Every Wednesday and Sunday at for 10 hours
St Peter's Church Hayton
Church Lane Hayton Retford, DN22 9LD, United Kingdom
St Martin
Main Street North Leverton Retford, DN22 0AE, United Kingdom
The Church in Wheatley, St Peter & St Paul and The Methodist Church
Church Street North Wheatley, DN22 9BZ, United Kingdom
All Saints
Church Street South Leverton Retford, DN22 0BX, United Kingdom
St Peter & St Paul
Church Lane Sturton-le-Steeple Retford Nottingham, DN22 9HQ, United Kingdom
St Martin
East Street Bole Lincoln, DN22 9EY, United Kingdom
St John the Baptist
Church Lane Clarborough Retford, DN22 9NA, United Kingdom

Services around our Clays Churches this February

2nd Candlemas
10.30am Sturton - Holy Communion - Revd Mark Cantrill
3.30pm Hayton – Holy Communion for Candlemas – Revd Mark Cantrill

Wednesday 5th - 7pm-8pm Service Station at Clarborough

10.30am Wheatley - Holy Communion - Revd Mark Cantrill & Mrs Janice Sykes
10.30am North Leverton Methodist Chapel - Mrs Sue Walker
3.30pm Bole School Room - Holy Communion - Revd Mark Cantrill

Wednesday 12th - 7pm-8pm Service Station at Clarborough

9-11am Breakfast at N.Leverton Methodist Chapel - Mrs Sue Walker & Mrs Janice Sykes
10.30am Clarborough - Holy Communion - Revd Mark Cantrill

Wednesday 19th - 7pm-8pm Service Station at Clarborough

10.30am Bole – Morning Prayers
10.30pm Sth Leverton Institute - Holy Communion - Revd Mark Cantrill
3.30pm Clarborough – Evening Prayers – Mrs Lesley Keating

Wednesday 26th - 7pm-8pm Service Station at Clarborough

The Church in Wheatley, St Peter & St Paul and The Methodist Church

We are a Methodist and Anglican Ecumenical Partnership. Our parish covers the adjacent villages of North and South Wheatley. We use the church of St Peter and St Paul, which stands at the top of Church Hill in the highest part of North Wheatley. In addition, we have responsibility for the ruins of St Helen's Church in South Wheatley and the graveyard in which they stand.

We used to use the Wesleyan Chapel on Low Street North Wheatley in addition to St Peter and St Paul’s, but the increasing cost of maintaining two places of worship, particularly in view in the steep increase in energy costs in 2022, we decided, after much reflection and soul-searching, to close the Chapel. It was very hard decision to close a much-loved building which had been home to many joyous events, both worship and social. The last service was held in the Chapel on Sunday 29 January 2023. The Chapel was sold in an online auction on 20 September 2023.

The Church in Wheatley is committed to the safeguarding of children, young people and adults.

Ensuring that children, young people and vulnerable adults are kept safe whilst in our care is an integral part of our church life.

If you have any safeguarding concerns, please contact:

Parish Safeguarding Officer: Mrs Janice Sykes on 01427 884877 or 07817 774950

We refer all safeguarding information to the Diocesan Safeguarding Team who can be contacted for advice via email [email protected] or by phone 01636 817200 or via the website Contact Safeguarding - Diocese of Southwell & Nottingham

Get in touch

Rev. Mark Cantrill

The Vicarage
Church Lane

DN22 9NA
Church Warden
What's on

United Services across the Clays Group - February 2025

Every Wednesday and Sunday at for 10 hours
St Peter's Church Hayton
Church Lane Hayton Retford, DN22 9LD, United Kingdom
St Martin
Main Street North Leverton Retford, DN22 0AE, United Kingdom
The Church in Wheatley, St Peter & St Paul and The Methodist Church
Church Street North Wheatley, DN22 9BZ, United Kingdom
All Saints
Church Street South Leverton Retford, DN22 0BX, United Kingdom
St Peter & St Paul
Church Lane Sturton-le-Steeple Retford Nottingham, DN22 9HQ, United Kingdom
St Martin
East Street Bole Lincoln, DN22 9EY, United Kingdom
St John the Baptist
Church Lane Clarborough Retford, DN22 9NA, United Kingdom

Services around our Clays Churches this February

2nd Candlemas
10.30am Sturton - Holy Communion - Revd Mark Cantrill
3.30pm Hayton – Holy Communion for Candlemas – Revd Mark Cantrill

Wednesday 5th - 7pm-8pm Service Station at Clarborough

10.30am Wheatley - Holy Communion - Revd Mark Cantrill & Mrs Janice Sykes
10.30am North Leverton Methodist Chapel - Mrs Sue Walker
3.30pm Bole School Room - Holy Communion - Revd Mark Cantrill

Wednesday 12th - 7pm-8pm Service Station at Clarborough

9-11am Breakfast at N.Leverton Methodist Chapel - Mrs Sue Walker & Mrs Janice Sykes
10.30am Clarborough - Holy Communion - Revd Mark Cantrill

Wednesday 19th - 7pm-8pm Service Station at Clarborough

10.30am Bole – Morning Prayers
10.30pm Sth Leverton Institute - Holy Communion - Revd Mark Cantrill
3.30pm Clarborough – Evening Prayers – Mrs Lesley Keating

Wednesday 26th - 7pm-8pm Service Station at Clarborough


The Church in Wheatley is committed to the safeguarding of children, young people and adults.

Ensuring that children, young people and vulnerable adults are kept safe whilst in our care is an integral part of our church life.

If you have any safeguarding concerns, please contact:

Parish Safeguarding Officer: Mrs Janice Sykes on 01427 884877 or 07817 774950

We refer all safeguarding information to the Diocesan Safeguarding Team who can be contacted for advice via email [email protected] or by phone 01636 817200 or via the website Contact Safeguarding - Diocese of Southwell & Nottingham

Contact Safeguarding - Diocese of Southwell & Nottingham

The Church in Wheatley, St Peter & St Paul and The Methodist Church Charity No. 1189612