Related Churches
St Peter's Farndon
St Peter's, Farndon is one of four churches in this benefice. The others are All Saints, Hawton, St Laurence, Thorpe and St Michael's Cotham.
There cannot be very many residents of Farndon who haven’t at one time or another been inside, or at least in contact with, St. Peter’s Church. An ancient building, it stands proudly as the oldest structure in the village.
Its close association with St. Peter’s Church School means that over many years children have visited it for regular school services. Walkers strolling through the village have passed its tower. Many people have attended the various social occasions such as concerts, fairs, Christmas tree festivals, Easter egg hunts, and exhibitions that have been held inside its walls, and they will be aware of its comforting welcome with its central heating and upholstered chairs. Its dignified interior reflects a past record of Farndon’s history through the centuries in the shape of its varied architecture, beautiful stained glass windows, wall-mounted tablets and war memorial.
But of course its prime purpose through the centuries has been to act as a consecrated place for acts of worship celebrating the passing seasons, and to provide a calm and dignified place for those significant occasions in peoples’ lives such as baptisms, marriages and funerals when we all need to get in touch with our spiritual side.
With all this in mind the emphasis is on the fact that St. Peter’s is the church of this parish of Farndon, and, sadly, the only surviving place of worship in the village. As such, it is open to all and it offers to everyone a warm welcome. To this end we have an array of services introducing a less formal morning service called ‘Worship for All’ which takes place on the 1st Sunday of each month at 11.00 am and a more ‘user-friendly’ form of Holy Communion on the 4th Sunday also at 11.00 am. We would love to see you there! Any time!
The Parish of Farndon with Thorpe is committed to ensuring that children, young people and vulnerable adults are kept safe whilst in our care is an integral part of our church life.
Full details are on our "Safeguarding" page.
All Saints', Hawton
All Saints' church is much more than the glorious medieval Ancaster and Blue Lias stone building that soars high above the surrounding fields and water-meadows. It's much more than its world-renowned carved stone Easter Sepulchre. It's much more than 7-800 years of history. It is a living, vibrant place of worship where one senses the presence of God, and of the thousands of saints who have worshipped here down the centuries, as soon as one enters the building. There is a deep peace about the place. It is a place that our Celtic forebears might have described as "thin"; one where the boundary between earth and heaven seems to stretch almost to breaking point.
All Saints' church is all of those but it is much more, for the church is not just the building. It is the people who gather for worship here today; people from the village and the surrounding area who come to express their faith in God - the Creator, Redeemer and Sustainer - in word and in song; who come and are nourished in that faith by Word and Sacrament; and who then go out to live out that faith by their words and deeds among their friends and neighbours, their work colleagues, the strangers that they meet in the street.
There is so much that the church in Hawton, both the building and the people, has to offer you. In the words of Jesus, "Come and see." S. John chapter 1, verse 39.
The parish of Hawton with Cotham is committed to the safeguarding of children, young people and adults. We follow the House of Bishops' guidance and policies and have our own Parish Safeguarding Officer (PSO).
Full details are on our "Safeguarding" page which includes links to our Safeguarding Policy.
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