
Church life is not just about Sunday. There are many ways of getting involved in being a Christian community. A very brief summary of some of the groups available follows...

House Groups

There are two house-groups that meet regularly; one on Monday morning and the other on a Thursday evening. It is a chance to meet others in an informal setting and enjoy fellowship together. The groups look at and discuss Bible passages and issues of faith concerning the whole church.

Enquirer Groups

Every year we hold a six-week course for new members of the church who wish to explore more of what we believe, and the difference faith could make in their lives. These courses are held in the Parish Centre and are also an opportunity to get to know others.

Lent and Advent Courses

Held weekly in the church. These courses, based on a theme and open to all, help us to prepare for the major Christian festivals of Easter and Christmas.

For more details about these groups contact the Rev'd Angela Fletcher