Did you know that every single person who lives in Rainworth Parish - whether or not they attend church - has the right to a Christian funeral led by one of our team: Revd Zoe Burton (Vicar) and Licensed Lay Ministers - Marilyn Brown and Sharon Winders.
We can lead services in church, the crematorium, graveside or a combination. Wherever the service takes place, we will celebrate and give thanks for the life of your loved one. Our services are personalized with readings, tributes, music and we offer prayers for your loved ones and for those left behind.
The Christian faith offers a hope of life beyond the grave - death is not the end. If you would like to know about a Christian funeral services do get in touch. For general information on Church of England funerals - visit: www.churchofenglandfunerals.org
The image source - unsplash - Panyawat Auitpol