About Us

The church in Gringley on the Hill has been established over 800 years and is located in the centre of the village on the High Street. 

Gringley on the Hill is an important historic settlement in north Nottinghamshire, situated on a ridge of high ground, one of the highest points in Nottinghamshire, overlooking the low-lying Carrs (drained marsh) to the north.

The Parish Church dates from 1180. In about 1720, a north aisle was added with the south aisle constructed in 1912 when the Church underwent major restoration work. The original peal of four bells was increased to six bells in 2001. A toilet and servery were added in 2009. The Church is in good condition with no urgent works to be done (Quinquennial Report 2019).

The Church is used for plays, concerts, exhibitions, and flower festivals in addition to normal worship and school services. The Church is open daily. During the last 12 months, there has been one church wedding, four baptisms, and one funeral. The Church has been used for community events, mostly notably for concerts, and as the reception venue for the annual village ‘safari supper’.

The size of the village increased recently with the building of 78 new homes (a 29% increase). This has brought many new families into the villages and has, in part, been responsible for the significant increase in the roll at St Peter’s Church of England School.

There is a broad social mix in Gringley. There are several working farms, but paid employment within the village is almost non-existent. Most of the housing is owner occupied but there are a number of old peoples’ bungalows, social housing within the new estate, and some privately rented accommodation.

There are no shops; there is one pub. There is a doctors’ surgery, part of a wider practice, with a dispensary. A large part of the village is a conservation area, and there are several open spaces in the village envelope. All new building is of infill nature and is therefore restricted. There is a biannual event featuring cars and gardens, which contributes significantly to Church funds. There is no other place of worship in the village, the Methodist Chapel closed in 2015.

The Churchwardens are supported by a small lay team. 

The Church supports Bassetlaw Food Bank and the following mission and charities: USPG, Historic Churches Trust (Ride & Stride), and Notts Clergy Widows and Dependants Fund.

Other churches within the Benefice are Misterton, Beckingham, Clayworth, Walkeringham (currently closed), and West Stockwith.


Coronavirus aside, there is usually one service of Holy Communion a month during the current Interregnum. The service is on the 3rd Sunday of the month at 9.30am.


Ensuring that children and young people, as well as adults, are kept safe whilst in our care is an integral part of our church life. If you have any concerns about safeguarding please contact:

In the Parish: Hugo Dunkley, Parish Safeguarding Co-ordinator, Tel 01777 816003

In the Diocese: call 01636 817200 or e-mail [email protected]

Out of Hours for Children & Adults:

Nottinghamshire: 0300 456 4546

Nottingham City Council: 0115 876 1000