Facilities and features
One unisex toilet located behind the organ
Limited parking around the church - approached by a narrow lychgate that collects wing mirrors ! Parking on the Main Road opposite the lychgate.
Not ramped but level. The North transept porch opens out onto the tarmac path that surrounds the church.
The whole building is fitted with a loop. This will invariably give better and clearer sound than relying on the wall mounted speakers. The latest NHS issue does not include a telecoil, but has improved pick-up without a loop.
Large print copies of the regular services, such as Common Worship Morning Prayer and Holy Communion are usually available
Our Building
Regular assessment by the Local Church Council and makes changes where practical and financially appropriate
The church is not only situated in a conservation area but is on the Government List of Protected Buildings
Music and Worship
Built by Samuel Renn, London in 1840. Originally in the pro-cathedral of St Nicholas at Bishopscourt. On the National Pipe Organ Register (NPOR)
Four times a year at 10.15am, when the month has five Sundays in it.
A small friendly group of ladies who sing accompanied by the organ or keyboard,
Groups, Courses and Activities
Most Wednesday evenings at 7pm in the church
Journeying is part of the Bible Studies at 7pm on a Wednesday evening in church
Held from time to time in church, usually 10.30am - 12 noon. Donations / proceeds are usually for a charity, such as Christian Aid or a disaster appeal.
Usually every other Tuesday at 2.15pm in church
Michael Bear meets in church every other Wednesday during term time at 10.15am until 11.30am
Help for Visitors
Please look on the reception table in the Meeting Room as you enter the south transept door (Main entrance)
usually 9am - 5pm in summer and 10am - 4pm in winter
Other Features
Coffee and tea for refreshments are Fairtrade
Two crates located under the reception table in the Meeting room. Emptied weekly.
Located at the centre of the Kirk Michael Conservation area
We fully support and recommend the Manx Credit Union - details on leaflets in the Meeting Room