Facilities and features


Two WCs, one adapted for e.g. wheelchair users (see below) off the Church Lobby ( which is inside the main doors)

In the larger of the two WCs

Ample street parking on Sunday mornings on Hope Street, to the north of the church with a side gate off the street into thechurchyard near the main doors

One WC adapted for wheel chair users, with low level washbasin, grab bars and emergecny pull cord

There is limited car parking in the church yard, one space reserved for Blue Badge Holders, but more can be book through the Parish Office (01624 679189)

Equiment kept in church 24/7, with trained users available at main events

There are NO STEPS into the church through the main doors and there are NO STEPS in public parts of the building. There are steps and `Stairs up to all vestries and all meeting rooms except the Lobby, and up to the chancel, but portable ramps are available for steps.

Available thorughout the Nave (the public part of the actual church) by turning hearing aids to "T"

Large print service booklets and weekly notice sheets always available, and if you need larger print still, please ask.

Assistance dogs welcome - no other dogs, please!

Our Building

The building is open, with low level heating and lighting all days of the week except Mondays when it's closed. Hours vary but usually between 10 and 3, often earlier opening and later closing. Group visits might like to make an appointment and we will accomodate them gladly Parish Office (01624 679189)

The churchyard is managed to encourage local flaura and fauna, and we are considering solar panels. We pay the Green Tariff surcharge to source eco power.

We are in fact NOT a Registered Building as we call them here, but we are Douglas' oldest, and our churchyard is packed with Manx and British history. We can organise group tours: please call the Parish Office (01624 679189)

Music and Worship

We are a 12 bell tower. Riunging Pratice is every Tuesday. Captain of the Tower is Ernie de Legh Runciman (07624 329556 [email protected])

A popular venue for concerts, we don't charge for the use of the church - and we still turn on the heating and the lights. Please contact us through the Parish Office (01624 679189)

We have a glorious Harris and Harris organ in Italiante Casing, built as a Millenium project. Our orgnaist is Nicholas Roberts ad our Asst Organist is Ian Quayle. If ou would like to play the organ, please contact the Parish Office (01624 679189)

Monthly on the 3rd Sunday of each month we hold a 9am Prayer Book Communion, and monthly on 1st Sundays we hold a BCP Evening Prayer.

We have a regualr choir and those interested can contact the organist through the Parish Office (01624 679189)

Our Worship Band leads our worship for the J Team, our interactive All Age Praise Service every thrid Sunday of the month at 10.30am in church.

Groups, Courses and Activities

Please see the Facebook page or weekly Notice Sheet and Parish Magazine for details.

Please see the Facebook page or weekly Notice Sheet and Parish Magazine for details.

There is a Snooker Club in the Church Tower (up a flight of stairs) every Monday evening. Contact through the Parish Office (01624 679189)

The First Sunday of every month in All sants Hall on Alexander Drive at 11am. Lively worship with crafts and games followed by a simple fellowship Lunch.

Please contact the Parish Office to be put in touch with our Enrolling member.

We have a weekly Tean and Chat group who meet in the All Saints hall, on Alexander Drive every Monday afternoon.

On Sunday mornings we run children's activities and have a permanent Play Space available for children in the church. WE can't offer anything else at the momnet as we are short staffed.

Help for Visitors

Free wifi

Please book your group through the Parish Office (01624 679189)

Every day except Monday, at least 10-3 often longer. Gropups can be accomodated through the Parish Office (01624 679189)

Other Features

We are a Fair Trade Church. All refreshments we serve are fair trade and we would ask that those bringing their own respect this and do the same.

We have excellent AV equipment, including livestreaming services, music etc and AV projection on large TV screens around church.

Conservation Area

Contact Neil Cringle [email protected]