Facilities and features
Toilets available in the hall for Sunday Services
Commissioners car park to the side of the church
In church hall during Sunday services
Commissioners car park with level entrance to church
Large print hymnbooks and service sheets available for all services
We welcome assistance dogs
We have level wheelchair access from the street right through the church to the chancel steps
Our Building
Daily between 9am and 4pm
We have a lot of beautiful traditional and more modern stained glass - well worth a look
We especially welcome anybody to come into our church on Monday morning (10-11:30) for our regular Coffee and Chat event for a warm space, a hot drink and biscuit with us.
The village post office is just along the road from St Mary's
Music and Worship
Groups, Courses and Activities
Our Acts 29 youth group met in the church on Friday evenings (at the moment every alternate Friday) for fun, games and snacks
Several weekday home groups run in the parish - contact the vicar for details
Coffee and Chat group meets every Monday morning 10-11:30
Parish Messy Church held at St Catherine's Church, Port Erin
Mothers Union meet on the first Monday of the month, meetings alternating between St Catherine's and St Mary's - see calendar for details
The Tiddlywinks nursery school meets in our church hall every weekday. Contact Sandra Kennaugh on 07624 472352
Help for Visitors
Daily from 9am to 4pm
Well behaved quiet dogs (with clean paws) are welcome in our church
Other Features
Foodbank collection point