Related Churches
St Catherine's, Port Erin
There is a growing and vibrant community of worshippers at St Catherine's Church, Port Erin. The church benefits from being able to seamlessly combine both contemporary worship (provided by a music group) and traditional forms of worship on the organ. During the Summer months the church organises weekly concerts given by local musicians and choirs with refreshments being provided in the Church Hall. Regular Sunday worship takes place at 11am. After each service refreshments are served at the back of the church.
Kirk Christ, Rushen
There is a growing and vibrant community of worshippers at Kirk Christ. It continues to serve the people of Rushen as it has done for countless generations. It is particularly noted by local people for its peace and serenity. It is significant for many people as they have been baptised or married (or both) at the church. Sunday services take place at 9:30 a.m. with a Joint Parish service at 11am on the fourth Sunday of the month. Refreshments are served after all Sunday services at the back of church.
St Mary's, Port St Mary
St Mary's church is located in the heart of Port St Mary and is attended by a faithful and growing congregation. It benefits from an enthusiastic choir and a thriving Sunday School. Regular Sunday worship takes place at 11am. After each service refreshments are served at the back of the church.
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