Mother's Union

Monthly. Every Second Wednesday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
The White Church - St Peter Warmsworth
Warmsworth Road Warmsworth Doncaster, DN4 0TW, United Kingdom

Our branch of this international Anglican organisation meet each second Wednesday in the hall. The meeting starts with some worship and prayer; often there is a speaker and refreshments are included. There is no need to be a member to attend but you might want to join and become more involved.

Thursday Morning Communion

Every Thursday at for 35 mins
The White Church - St Peter Warmsworth
Warmsworth Road Warmsworth Doncaster, DN4 0TW, United Kingdom

A service of Holy Communion on Thursday in the main worship area to allow social distancing. Refreshments follow in the hall. A quiet and reflective time.

Vestry Hour

Every Thursday at for 1 hour
The White Church - St Peter Warmsworth
Warmsworth Road Warmsworth Doncaster, DN4 0TW, United Kingdom

Parish Office by the hall up the stairs into the church.

Baptism, wedding and other enquiries are by telephone or email.
Call:01302 853324 and speak to, or leave a message for the Rector

Almost every Thursday someone will be in the vestry which is at then rear of the building near the hall to deal with baptism and wedding enquiries or banns of marriage. The office will be closed in the very cold weather.

Online Sunday Service

Every Sunday at for 45 mins
The White Church - St Peter Warmsworth
Warmsworth Road Warmsworth Doncaster, DN4 0TW, United Kingdom

Each Sunday the Church of England provides an online service you can listen to and join in with.
The link for it is below.

Sunday morning worship

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
The White Church - St Peter Warmsworth
Warmsworth Road Warmsworth Doncaster, DN4 0TW, United Kingdom

There will be a service of Holy Communion or Morning Worship each Sunday at 10am.

We offer hand sanitizers in the building and in the hall.

Refreshments follow in the hall after the service.

Messy Church

In January, February, March, April, May, June, July, September, October, November. Every Third Sunday at for 2 hours
Church and Community Hall behind the White Church
Church and Community Hall behind the White Church, Warmsworth Road, DN4 0TW, United Kingdom

Every 3rd Sunday of the Month from 3-5 pm
Stories, songs, crafts.
A hot meal
An all age event (children must be accompanied by a responsible adult)
In Church Hall

Afternoon service

Every Sunday at for 45 mins
The White Church - St Peter Warmsworth
Warmsworth Road Warmsworth Doncaster, DN4 0TW, United Kingdom

A service each Sunday at 4.30pm. Its form will vary depending on who is leading it.

Knit and Natter

Every Tuesday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
The White Church - St Peter Warmsworth
Warmsworth Road Warmsworth Doncaster, DN4 0TW, United Kingdom

A very relaxed group that meet each Tuesday except in the school holidays to talk, knit, sew, have a cuppa and support each other.

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Each Tuesday in school term time.

Proclaim at St Peter's

Every Tuesday at for 1 hour
The White Church - St Peter Warmsworth
Warmsworth Road Warmsworth Doncaster, DN4 0TW, United Kingdom

Do you enjoy singing and perhaps would like to socialise afterwards? Our new event may be right for you. After an hour of singing and preparing for the coming Sunday you are welcome to call into the local pub The Winning Post for a drink, free chips! and a chat. You will be made so welcome !

Coffee Morning

Every First Saturday at for 2 hours
The White Church - St Peter Warmsworth
Warmsworth Road Warmsworth Doncaster, DN4 0TW, United Kingdom

Each month a coffee morning with stalls and a very friendly atmosphere. Held in the church and community hall. We seek to be Covid safe.

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All Age Worship (sometimes with Thanksgiving for the birth of a child)

Every First Sunday at for 1 hour
The White Church - St Peter Warmsworth
Warmsworth Road Warmsworth Doncaster, DN4 0TW, United Kingdom

This is a service designed for all ages of people and those bringing their children to Thanksgiving as a prelude to Baptism. It will normally happen on the first Sunday of a month at 10am but with changes to some parts of the year will occasionally move. It is designed to be shorter and as accessible as possible for all ages.