A Sung Mass for S. Luke's Day followed by a Parish Lunch.
- Occurring
- for 1 hour, 15 mins
- Venue
- St Luke's Scawthorpe
- Address Broachgate Scawthorpe Doncaster, DN5 9HA, United Kingdom
Author of both the Gospel of S. Luke and the Acts of the Apostles he wrote more of the new testament than anyone else, including the Apostle Paul. Not an eye witness to Jesus' ministry, but he lived in the first century and according to his own writings, he investigated everything carefully from the beginning. As a travelling companion of Paul he likely had access to the other apostles and other accounts of Jesus' life and ministry. Without his account in Acts, it is hard to imagine how a small fragile movement grew to what would eventually become the largest religion in the world. His gospel gives us prayers that have lasted since the birth of Christianity, the Benedictus. the Magnificat and the Nunc Dimittis.
Join us in our little church in Scawthorpe dedicated to S. Luke for Holy Mass and lunch.