Daily Said Mass.

Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday at for 30 mins
St Leonard & St Jude Scawsby with S. Luke's Scawthorpe
St Leonard & St Jude Scawsby with S. Luke's Scawthorpe, Barnsley Road Scawsby Doncaster, DN5 8QE, United Kingdom

Meet Our Lord and Saviour in the eucharist, spend thirty minutes in prayer and quiet reflection. This week all at S. Leonards unless otherwise stated.
All restrictions put in place to combat the Covid Pandemic have now been set aside. However, individuals are asked to act responsibly and respect each other's space. If you prefer to continue with precautions such as a mask and hand sanitizing then please feel free to do so, the pandemic has not yet gone away.
Mass times this week are as follows Monday 9.30am at S. Luke's, Tuesday 9.30am at S. Philip and S. James, Wednesday 9.30am at All Saints Arksey, Thursday 12.30pm at S. Leonard's, Friday 9.30am at S. Leonard's, Saturday 9.30am at All Saints Arksey and Sunday a Sung Mass at All Saints Arksey at 9am, a Solemn Mass at S. Leonard's at 11.00am, a Sung Mass at S. Philip and S. James at 10.15am.

Times will vary for Mass times depending on the day.

Sung Sunday Mass at S. Leonard & S. Jude, Scawsby.

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Luke's Scawthorpe
Broachgate Scawthorpe Doncaster, DN5 9HA, United Kingdom

A Sung Mass using the current Roman Rite.

Weekly Mass (Holy Communion).

Every Monday at for 30 mins
St Luke's Scawthorpe
Broachgate Scawthorpe Doncaster, DN5 9HA, United Kingdom

Join us each Monday morning for a Said Mass, introductory rites, the liturgy of the word and and liturgy of the Eucharist. A simple service that allows us to share in the body and blood of our Lord and Saviour. Afterwards, tea coffee and fellowship.

Occasional additional services will be held. Patronal festival 18th October.

Stations of the Cross - Via Crucis (The Way of the Cross) Via Dolorosa (The Way of Sorrows).

Every Wednesday at for 30 mins
St Leonard & St Jude Scawsby with S. Luke's Scawthorpe
St Leonard & St Jude Scawsby with S. Luke's Scawthorpe, Barnsley Road Scawsby Doncaster, DN5 8QE, United Kingdom

Also known as the Way of the Cross or the Way of Sorrows or the Via Crucis. A series of images representing Christ's journey along the Via Dolorosa in Jerusalem to Calvary.
Guide is O Lord on our spiritual pilgrimage by contemplating the Passion of Christ and our reparation for the suffering and insults endured by Jesus during his Passion.
Week 1 All Saints Arksey.
Week 2 S. Leonard's.
Week 3 S. Philip and S. James.
Week 4 All Saints Arksey.
Week 5 S. Leonards.
Holy Wednesday S. Philip and S. James.

Messy Church at St. Leonard's, Scawsby.

Every Wednesday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Luke's Scawthorpe
Broachgate Scawthorpe Doncaster, DN5 9HA, United Kingdom

A venture for primary and younger senior school children and their parents. Arts, crafts and games or a combination of all three, a simple act of celebration and hospitality in the form of something to eat and drink for those taking part. All oof this is designed to be fun.
Parents and guardians are required to stay with their children.
Messy Church resumes 26th February.

Choir practise.

Every Wednesday at for 1 hour
St Leonard & St Jude Scawsby with S. Luke's Scawthorpe
St Leonard & St Jude Scawsby with S. Luke's Scawthorpe, Barnsley Road Scawsby Doncaster, DN5 8QE, United Kingdom

If you like to sing and praise the Lord, come along, you will be welcome.

Solemnity of Saint Joseph spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Leonard & St Jude Scawsby with S. Luke's Scawthorpe
St Leonard & St Jude Scawsby with S. Luke's Scawthorpe, Barnsley Road Scawsby Doncaster, DN5 8QE, United Kingdom

Joseph, the husband of Mary and guardian of the child Jesus was of the house and line of David. The humble carpenter from Nazareth is called 'a man of honour' in the gospel and has become for us the guardian and patron of Christ's universal Church.

Lent Course

Every Thursday at for 1 hour
St Leonard & St Jude Scawsby with S. Luke's Scawthorpe
St Leonard & St Jude Scawsby with S. Luke's Scawthorpe, Barnsley Road Scawsby Doncaster, DN5 8QE, United Kingdom

As part of our preparation for the celebration of Christ's Passover Feast we shall be devoting some time to study. This year we will be focusing on the Creed, our profession of faith that we say at every Sunday Mass and on every solemnity. We shall be exploring our beliefs and hoping for a deeper understanding of our faith. Everyone is welcome.
Study sessions will be held at S. Leonard's.

The Annunciation of the Lord

for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Leonard & St Jude Scawsby with S. Luke's Scawthorpe
St Leonard & St Jude Scawsby with S. Luke's Scawthorpe, Barnsley Road Scawsby Doncaster, DN5 8QE, United Kingdom

The ancient feast of east and west celebrates that great day of decision. Mary's acceptance of the role that God had chosen for her in his plan of redemption.

Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord at St. Leonard's.

for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Leonard & St Jude Scawsby with S. Luke's Scawthorpe
St Leonard & St Jude Scawsby with S. Luke's Scawthorpe, Barnsley Road Scawsby Doncaster, DN5 8QE, United Kingdom

On this day the Church recalls the entrance of Christ the Lord into Jerusalem to accomplish his Paschal Mystery. The memorial of this entrance takes the form of a procession, a solemn entrance before the main Mass. The faithful hold branches (palm crosses) that are blessed and the first gospel is read before processing into the parish church.
Ride on, ride on in majesty, in lowly pomp ride on to die.
There will also be A Sung Mass at S. Philip and S. James at 10.15am.

Holy (Maundy) Thursday.

for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Leonard & St Jude Scawsby with S. Luke's Scawthorpe
St Leonard & St Jude Scawsby with S. Luke's Scawthorpe, Barnsley Road Scawsby Doncaster, DN5 8QE, United Kingdom

The Easter Triduum begins on Holy Thursday with the Mass of the Lords Supper in four parts.
1. The introductory Rites and Liturgy of the Word.
2. The washing of feet.
3. The Liturgy of the Eucharist.
4. The transfer of the most blessed sacrament to a place of repose followed by the 'The Watch' until midnight, a period of prayer and adoration.
'Will you not stay with me a little while'
Join us for this most Holy Week.

Friday of the Passion of the Lord - Good Friday.

for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Leonard & St Jude Scawsby with S. Luke's Scawthorpe
St Leonard & St Jude Scawsby with S. Luke's Scawthorpe, Barnsley Road Scawsby Doncaster, DN5 8QE, United Kingdom

On the afternoon of this day there takes place the celebration of the Lord's Passion consisting of three parts.
1. The Liturgy of the Word including the the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ according to St. John and the solemn intercessions.
2. The Adoration of the Holy Cross.
3. Holy Communion (in one kind). The blessed sacrament is brought from the place of repose to the altar.
Join us for this is the day when all who claim to be Christian should be at Mass.

Maria Desolata at St. Leonard's.

for 30 mins
St Leonard & St Jude Scawsby with S. Luke's Scawthorpe
St Leonard & St Jude Scawsby with S. Luke's Scawthorpe, Barnsley Road Scawsby Doncaster, DN5 8QE, United Kingdom

In the early evening of Good Friday we pause and reflect on the profound events of the day. We allow our thoughts to turn to prayer and to hope. Maria Desolata retraces the way of the cross from St. Mary's perspective. Imagine her journey home after the crucifixion of her son. What pain, what anguish, what agonies she must have experienced.

The Easter Vigil in the Holy Night - The resurrection of the Lord,

for 2 hours, 15 mins
St Leonard & St Jude Scawsby with S. Luke's Scawthorpe
St Leonard & St Jude Scawsby with S. Luke's Scawthorpe, Barnsley Road Scawsby Doncaster, DN5 8QE, United Kingdom

On Holy Saturday the church waits at the Lord's tomb in prayer and fasting meditating on his passion and death and on his resurrection.
The Easter Vigil in the Holy night is the greatest and most noble of all solemnities and is in four parts.
1. The solemn of the Vigil or Lucernarium, this includes the blessing of the fire, preparation of the Paschal Candle and a procession during which the Easter Proclamation or Exsultet is sung.
2. The Liturgy of the Word.
3. The Baptismal Liturgy including the renewal of baptismal promises.
4. The Liturgy of the Eucharist.
Come and celebrate the the resurrection of the Lord with us. Yes, it is a long service but how can you better spend your time?

Easter Sunday - The Mass during the day.

for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Leonard & St Jude Scawsby with S. Luke's Scawthorpe
St Leonard & St Jude Scawsby with S. Luke's Scawthorpe, Barnsley Road Scawsby Doncaster, DN5 8QE, United Kingdom

After the wonderful (but tiring) celebrations of the last three days a quiet relaxing Mass at a time more suited to the young and very young.
And afterwards at 12.30pm the faithful from All Saints Arksey and S. Philip and S. James New Bentley will come together for a Mission Area Easter Party at S. Leonard's.

Evening Prayer.

Thursday 13 March 2025 at for 15 mins
St Leonard & St Jude Scawsby with S. Luke's Scawthorpe
St Leonard & St Jude Scawsby with S. Luke's Scawthorpe, Barnsley Road Scawsby Doncaster, DN5 8QE, United Kingdom

From the Divine Office. The Liturgy of the Hours according to the Roman Rite.

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament followed by Mass at 12 noon at S. Leonard's.

Thursday 13 March 2025 at for 30 mins
St Leonard & St Jude Scawsby with S. Luke's Scawthorpe
St Leonard & St Jude Scawsby with S. Luke's Scawthorpe, Barnsley Road Scawsby Doncaster, DN5 8QE, United Kingdom

A Priest or Deacon removes the sacred host from the tabernacle and places it in the monstrance on the altar with proper solemnity for adoration and devotion by the faithful. A time of quiet in the presence of our Lord and Saviour.

Holy Rosary at St. Leonard's, Scawsby.

Friday 14 March 2025 at for 30 mins
St Luke's Scawthorpe
Broachgate Scawthorpe Doncaster, DN5 9HA, United Kingdom

A pattern of prayer involving a series of meditations on some aspects or mysteries of the life of Jesus and his mother Mary. The Joyful Mysteries, The Sorrowful Mysteries, The Glorious Mysteries and the Mysteries of Light.
The Lord's Prayer, the Hail Mary and the Glory Be are all you need to know, the Apostles Creed would be a bonus. Whatever, you will soon pick it up.
A set of pray beads (rosary) can be provided if you don't have your own.
For full details please see the page for St. Leonard and St. Jude, Scawsby.
Every Friday at 10.30am with coffee and cake from 10am.