About Us

Things are getting better. Our church is now open for communal worship and throughout the day for private prayer. All restrictions put in place to combat the Covid Pandemic have now been lifted. Individuals are still asked to act sensibly and responsibly because although the virus has not gone away, we do have to learn to live with it. If you still prefer to take your own precautions such as wearing a mask and hand sanitizing then please do so.

The Parish of S.S. Leonard & Jude Scawsby, with S. Luke's Scawthorpe,

Serving the areas of Cusworth, Scawsby, Scawthorpe, Sunnyfields.

A Church of England Catholic Parish in full communion with Anglican Catholic Bishops.

A modern catholic parish in affiliation with the Society.

With effect from 5th September Father David begins his ministry with the people of New Bentley and Arksey. Along with S.S. Leonard and Jude Scawsby and S. Luke's Scawthorpe the new missional area of the Sacred Heart of Jesus will be formed.

Enquiries concerning marriage, banns and baptisms via the Parish Priest or by leaving a message on the ACNY website.


Week - Week 15 in Ordinary Time.

Monday 15.7.2024 - S. Bonaventure - Bishop and Doctor.

Prayer intention - For the people of the Mission Area.

Mass 9.30am at S. Luke's.

Tuesday 16.7.2024 - Our Lady of Carmel.

Prayer intention - For parents.

Mass 9.30am at S. Philip and S. James.

Wednesday 17.7.2024 - Weekday in O.T.

Prayer intention - For Bishop Stephen.

Mass 9.30am at S. Leonard's.

Messy Church 4pm at S. Leonard's.

Choir Practise 7pm at S. Leonard's.

Thursday 18.7.2024 - Weekday in O.T.

Prayer intention - For the Diocese of Sheffield. 

Mass 9.30am at All Saints Arksey.

Stay and Play at S. Philip and S. James New Bentley 10am.

Friday 19.7.2024 - S. Weekday in O.T.

Prayer Intention - For the poor and those in debt.

Coffee and Cake 1pm at S. Leonard's.

Holy Rosary 1.30pm at S. Leonard's.

Saturday 20.7.2024 - S. Apollinaris - Bishop and Martyr.

Prayer Intention - For an end to conflict.

Mass 9.30am at S. Luke's.

Sacrament of Reconciliation 10am at S. Luke's. 


Sunday 21.7.2024 - 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time.

Prayer Intention - For the people of the mission area of Scawsby, Cusworth, Scawthorpe, New Bentley and Arksey.

Morning Prayer 9.30am at S. Leonard's.

Sung Mass 9am at All Saints Arksey.

Sung Mass 11am at S. Philip & S. James New Bentley - followed by a Parish Lunch. 

Solemn Mass 11am at S. Leonard's.

Readings for Year B.

1st Reading - Jerimiah 23:1-6.

2nd reading - the letter of S. Paul to the Ephesians 2:13-18. 

Gospel - Mark 6:30-34. 

Psalm response  - The Lord is my shepherd, there is nothing I shall want.

The Divine Office.

Psalter week 3. Saints shown above.

Daily Readings - Cycle 2.

Week 15 in Ordinary Time.


Saturday 10am at S. Luke's.

Parish Policies.

1. Giving - That we encourage planned sacrificial giving and only raise money through other means for specific urgent building projects with the approval of the Church Council. Money can be donated towards the work of the church in Scawsby, Scawthorpe and Cusworth via our website.

2. Mass Rite - That we are a catholic parish within the Church of England and that we use the current Roman Rite.

May your people, Lord, persevere in obedience to your will, so that, through this obedience, your Church in our time, may grow in grace & increase in numbers. Through Christ our Lord. Amen 

Living Lord Jesus calls his followers to seek first your Kingdom. Renew us as we make your love known. Release us to share freely together in mission and rejuvenate us to be fruitful in your service. Give us courage, wisdom and compassion, that strengthened with the grace of the Holy Spirit, we may as the Diocese of Sheffield, both flourish and grow through Christ our Lord. Amen.


As a parish we take seriously the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults. We have formally adopted the House of Bishops 'Promoting a Safer Church' policy statement and a copy is displayed in the church. The Church Council has a current Parish Safeguarding Policy relating to children and vulnerable adults. A current DBS is in place for the parish Safeguarding Representative and for those meeting the eligibility criteria.

The Parish Safeguarding Representative is Tony Lindley who along the with the Parish Priest are ultimately responsible for any matters of concern relating to children and vulnerable adults. Contact details are on display in the parish church.


 Find us on Facebook, look for St Leonard and St Jude's Scawsby, like the page and share its posts.

 Look up our website http://www.stleonardscawsby.co.uk


 St Luke's Scawthorpe | Stleonardscawsby (stleonardscawsby.co.uk)