
We were unable to provide opening hours. Please contact the Church for more information

01405 860866

Getting here

Pollington cum Balne  is a friendly Church with a spiritual heart. We embrace both traditional and contemporary worship and have a congregation who are committed to listening to God's guidance in our futrue. Built in 1854, Pollington Church has been a important part of the village since, being the only 'open' burial ground in the historic parish of Pollington Cum Balne. It also developed close links with RAF Snaith (actually in Pollington) during WWII and each year there is a 51 Squadron reunion at the church. The church house a lot of WWII photographs from the air base.

Pollington is a popular place for both weddings and Baptisms, with those coming to BAptism being welcomed in our midmorning service.

At the same time the church was built, Pollington Balne C of E School was built. We have very close links with the school. Please follow the link for more details of the School

Balne Moor Road
DN14 0DZ

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