Messy Church
- Occurring
- Monthly. Every Third Sunday at for 2 hours
- Venue
- St Mary's Stainforth
- Address Field Road Stainforth Doncaster, DN7 5AQ, United Kingdom
A fab, fun filled service with lots of activities for all ages. Where we share a meal together after all the fun.
Held at one of our four churches over the area.
To find out where our next one is, go to our Facebook page @StMarysStainforth
Our Messy Church is held across our four churches. To find out where, either contact Revd. Jacqui on 07894262706 or, look at St Mary's Stainforth Facebook page :)
Messy Church
Monthly. Every Third Sunday at 2 p.m. for 2 hours
Messy Church
Monthly. Every Third Sunday at 2 p.m. for 2 hours