About Us
The original Parish was formed in 1829 as Christ Church. Until October 1989 our place of worship was Christ Church in the town centre. We had to move out of the church as the expense of the bulding was too much to maintain. From October 1989 until December 2020 we rented St Mary's Magdalene's Chapel at The Doncaster Deaf Trust on Leger Way, opposite the racecourse. In December 2020 the Trust asked us to move out as they wished to change the use of the chapel.
Masses are now taking place at St Hugh's, New Cantley.
In December 2010 The Benefice of New Cantley, St Hugh of Lincoln and Holy Trinity was formed. Further pastoral organisation sees the boundaries changing in 2024, moving some of original parish into the care of St. George's Doncaster (Doncaster Minster), with other areas now in the new benefice of St Wilfrid's Cantley with St. Hugh of Lincoln, New Cantley.