About Us

About us


Welcome to the church of St Leonard and St Mary, Armthorpe. We are part of the Beakon Churches Mission Partnership, working with St Peter and St Paul, Barnby Dun and the Church of the Good Shepherd, Kirk Sandall and Edenthorpe.


We are a growing church and welcome everyone who wants to join us.


We meet every Sunday at 10.00am for a time of worship which usually lasts for about one hour. There is time for a coffee and a chat at the end of each service. Everyone is welcome – however young or old.


If you would like to book a wedding or a christening please come along to the church open hour on any Thursday evening between 6.00pm and 7.00pm. Christenings usually happen on the first Sunday of the month (10.00am and 12.00pm) and on the third Sunday of the month (12.00pm).


If you want any information please get in touch with the Rector, Revd (Vacant),  

The parish of St Leonard and St Mary, Armthorpe, is committed to high standards in the safeguarding and care of children, young people and vulnerable adults. Our Safeguarding Officer is Mrs Sarah Muskett, who can be contacted by phone on 01302 833472 or by email <strong>[email protected]</strong>

Our Parish Safeguarding Policy is displayed on the notice board in the church porch.