Mother's Union
- Occurring
- Every Second Monday at for 2 hours
- Venue
- St Francis, Bramley
- Address Main Street, Bramley Bramley Rotherham, S66 2SQ, United Kingdom
Mothers’ Union is a separate charity within the Anglican Church throughout the UK.
Our aim is to support marriage and family life in this country and worldwide. St.Francis Church in Bramley has an active branch and we are always looking for new members. We meet usually on the 2nd Monday of the month at 1.30pm. We start with a short time of prayer for our members throughout the UK and across the world. This is followed sometimes by a speaker, or maybe some quizzes. In April we usually have our annual lunch out accompanied by spouses, friends etc. In May or June we try to have an outing of some kind and then in July the ” jewel in our crown”. The Strawberry Cream Tea. This is our main fundraising event. All monies raised by the MU goes to support families in our Diocese (Sheffield) and families across the world. The MU has over 4million members in 86 countries and we try to help families who are struggling with daily life.
Please come along and join us, you will be most welcome and there is always the inevitable tea,coffee and biscuits, it wouldn’t be MU without them!!